Gustav Stickley Replica Early Period Bow Arm Reclining Morris Chair

3 Positions. Reverse Tapered Legs. Steam-bent back. Pinned true thru-tenons.

Product ID: #320
Dimensions: 40H 31W 35D
Price:$Price upon request.

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Additional image.

Additional image.

Second Position.

Second Position.

Side view.

Side view.

Detail showing the front leg piercing through the arched arm with it's pinned through-tenon.

Detail showing the front leg piercing through the arched arm with it's pinned through-tenon.

Shown with Gustav Stickley  replica arched footstool.

Shown with Gustav Stickley replica arched footstool.

Detail arched front seat rail which is tenoned into the reverse tapered front leg and "pinned". Arhed "bow" arm and supporting corbel.

Detail arched front seat rail which is tenoned into the reverse tapered front leg and "pinned". Arhed "bow" arm and supporting corbel.

Third position.

Third position.

Additional view of same form in a lighter stain with green leather upholstery.

Additional view of same form in a lighter stain with green leather upholstery.

First position.

First position.